
The Cyprus Institute (CyI), Cypr
Contact Name
e-mail:,, tel. 71-320-21-89, 71-320-41-96

Research results

Jednostka ogłasza nabór na stanowiska w ramach projektu H2020: adiunkta, profesora nadzwyczajnego, profesora w ramach którego Instytut Cypru ustanawia „Centrum Doskonałości” w badaniach klimatu i atmosfery dla regionu we współpracy z zaawansowanymi partnerami z UE (Instytut Maxa Plancka w Niemczech; Uniwersytet Helsiński w Finlandii i CEA we Francji).

Zainteresowane osoby proszone są o przesłanie CV, listu intencyjnego, 5 referencji do 14 czerwca 2020 roku.

Od kandydatów wymaga się:

1. The successful candidate(s) are expected to be scholars of international standing with a minimum of five (5) years post-doctoral research experience.

2. An excellent track record of peer-review scientific publication in the top 10 journals of her/his field

3. Participation in many international research programs and/or field campaigns

4. Teaching/Mentoring young (Master/PhD) researchers

5. A proven technical/scientific expertise in a specific experimental and/or modelling field of atmospheric research

6. Experience in raising funds from (inter)national competitive calls for research projects

7. The selected candidate(s) should have a demonstrated ability to work independently and the potential to become international leaders in their disciplines.

8. They must have excellent interpersonal skills aimed at maintaining contacts in academic, business and governmental circles.

9. Proficiency in spoken and written English is a prerequisite.