Research results
Sieć Radboud University na rzecz integracji migrantów (RUNOMI) poszukuje partnerów do współpracy w ramach konsorcjum w następujących obszarach tematycznych z programu Horyzont Europa:
1) HORIZON-CL2-TRANSFORMATIONS-2021-01-05: Determining key drivers of inequality trends.
2) HORIZON-CL2-TRANSFORMATIONS-2022-01-03: Conditions of irregular migrants in Europe
3) HORIZON-CL2-TRANSFORMATIONS-2022-01-02: The impact of spatial mobility on European demographics, society, welfare system and labour market
4) HORIZON-CL2-TRANSFORMATIONS-2022-01-04: Decision-making processes of (aspiring) migrants
5) HORIZON-CL2-TRANSFORMATIONS-2022-01-06: Inclusive labour market with regard to disability and health, age, gender, language, racial or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, civil and family status and religious belonging and its impact on inequalities
6) HORIZON-CL2-TRANSFORMATIONS-2022-01-07: Conditions for the successful development of skills matched to needs
7) HORIZON-CL2-TRANSFORMATIONS-2022-01-08: Strengthening racial, ethnic and religious equity
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